The saying is true that everyone has to start somewhere. Here are a few projects from a fun gathering this week. We used a technique called slab building pottery where a chunk of clay, about 3 pounds, is conditioned and rolled into a slab. Then using a score and slip (or one might call it butter) method, the pieces are joined to form a mug. Of course, there are lots of options with slab work. We made some mugs, a tray and a few little ring dishes. The letters are alphabet pasta that will burn out in the bisque firing. There was plenty of leftover clay. The creator of the tray asked that I add some little feet on the bottom. That will be done the next morning, after the clay has a chance to become leather hard.

It is really easier than you would think to get started. Slab building pottery offers unlimited applications. The Moss Patch studio has a fabulous slab roller and all the tools you need to do these projects. They will need to get bone dry before bisque firing. The plan is to then use a clear glaze to create a useful mug and tray. It will only take a few days to dry well. Our shelves are already pretty full, so a firing is in the near future.

Clay is so forgiving. If you don’t like how it is going, there is no harm or waste in wadding it up to start over. Up until the firing process, any clay can be reclaimed.
Wouldn’t it be great if we carried this idea into other parts of life? Let’s try new things in this upcoming year, BRAVELY!
Creatively yours,
would like to try these classes what are your dates on your classes ?
I am scheduling by request at this time. Just give me a call and I am sure we can work it out.